Shifting power to young people

The Mayor's Fund for London asks how can funders meaningfully involve young people in their work?

At The Mayor’s Fund for London, we're on a journey to shift power to young people, with their voice and engagement powering our work across communities and in schools. We recognise that other organisations and funders are also on this journey, and want to use the space to share and explore learning. 

The session will be informed and led by the direct experience of young Londoners who will have the opportunity for dialogue with funders, sharing what they think needs to change in London and reflecting on where funders can have the most impact. We will encourage sharing examples of good practice across the sector and how funders can meaningfully involve young people in their work. The session will involve a diverse range of young Londoners shaping the future of their city – and be an open space for collaborating across this shared mission.


The Festival is open to all members of London Funders. Unless otherwise specified, we are not able to accept bookings from non-members. If you’re a funder and interested in becoming a London Funders member, please find out more here.

Jim Minton
Mayor's Fund for London
Dianne Danquah
Mayor's Fund for London
Azi Mohammed
Salaam Peace
Basma El Hayani
Mayor's Fund for London Youth Board
Sara Stanton
Greater London Authority
Nasyah Bandoh
London Funders

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