Investing in youth voice: supporting local partners to embed youth social action initiatives

Over the last 6 years Clarion Futures, the charitable foundation of Clarion Housing Group (England’s largest social housing provider), has been an intermediary grant maker for the #iwill Fund, match-funding into their Youth Social Action (YSA) programme.

During this session, we will reflect on our investment in YSA across our communities, give insights into how we have funded hyper-local organisations to support the approach, built a programme focused on sharing our model whilst understanding the nuances of each of the neighbourhoods we serve. 

We will explore how funders can spark a movement of social action by investing in organisations that have trusted relationships in communities and share how they have refined their model over the period, moving from a rigid programme structure to a flexible approach which ensures quality delivery whilst allowing communities to shape their own themes and projects. We will also share how our original programme has led us to develop spin-off opportunities that respond to the ever-evolving needs of young people living in social housing communities. Attendees will discuss: 

  • How to ensure quality whilst having a flexible approach to funding.
  • How to think hyper-locally whilst also responding to national themes.
  • How to evolve a model so that it is fit for purpose and always has a youth voice at the heart of its evolution.


The Festival is open to all members of London Funders. Unless otherwise specified, we are not able to accept bookings from non-members. If you’re a funder and interested in becoming a London Funders member, please find out more here.

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